Kenting National Park

By grace.g.yang ยท April 7, 2015
Under: Asian,Taiwan,Travels

After spending a few days in Taichung, we boarded the high speed train and headed down to the southern part of the island. My cousin lives in Kaohsiung and wanted to show us around since I hadn’t been there since I was a kid and Ken didn’t remember ever visiting. The drive from Kaohsiung to Kenting is about two hours but my cousin said there was a seafood restaurant there that he wanted to bring us to and we should see the southern most tip of the island.

We drove in the afternoon and arrived in time for the sunset:



Kenting National Park is also known for a rock that they’ve named Nixon’s head because people say it looks like Nixon’s profile:


(The real name of the rock is Sail Rock but most people know is as Nixon’s head). We walked around and drove around the night market before heading to dinner at a restaurant my cousin thought we’d really like!

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