Happy New Year!

By grace.g.yang ยท January 4, 2011
Under: My Life

I spent New Year’s eve at home having a hot pot party with my mom, David, Laura, Ken, Sumon, and Koyel:


My mom purchased so many different types of food for our hot pot party: ribeye, lamb, pork, fish balls, tofu (frozen tofu was my favorite), taro, QQQ noodles, and other goodies; David chopped up pounds of cilantro and garlic, and I helped set up the table for our simple but fun party.

Tigger, Sumon and Koyel’s very cute dog also attended:


We played Settlers of Catan (Sumon won and said it was because he played so much Civilization as a teenager), we ate mochi (filled with pureed black sesame and pureed peanuts), and then Ken and I headed out for the evening (it was our first new year’s eve in New York and we thought it might be fun to go out):


I still haven’t written my year-end round up (it’s coming, I promise!), but wanted to wish everyone a happy and healthy new year!

Reader Comments

Everyone looks so happy. Cute couple. Happy New Year to you, Grace.

Written By Maria on January 4th, 2011 @ 2:30 pm

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