Nounos Creamery

By grace.g.yang · November 13, 2015
Under: American,Brunch,Cheap Eats,Desserts,Lunch,My Life,product reviews

A while back, I was introduced to Nounos Creamery Yogurt by my sister-in-law, Laura. Laura always stocks Nounos in her fridge so when I saw an interesting flavor, I jumped on the chance to buy it. Nounos is a family-owned creamery in Southampton that makes Greek-style strained yogurt and mixes it with fresh fruit or vanilla beans. They also have great seasonal flavors, including two of my favorites: strawberries and cream and apple pie a la mode. Nounos isn’t sold at Whole Foods so I went to Morton Williams to pick some up – sadly, they only had strawberries and cream (not apple pie a la mode) and they sell it for $2.99, which is slightly more expensive than other grocery stores. Laura gets hers from Westside Market, so I headed over to the location in the east village to pick some up:


They have a whole Nounos section!!! I was so excited that I might have gone a little overboard and ended up with $30 in yogurt:


The yogurt is creamy but not too thick, only slightly sweet, and the fillings aren’t oversweetened, which I really like. I was buying Fage yogurt, but the toppings are a little too concentrated for me (and they’re also difficult to mix because the toppings are separated from the yogurt and FruYo, the yogurt where they’ve already mixed in the fruit, is too sweet).

I was telling Ken how excited I was about the yogurt and I ended up waking up earlier than usual because I was so excited to pick my Nounos flavor for breakfast! I purchased a bunch of different flavors last week but this week I only purchased apple pie a la mode and strawberries and cream. For breakfast, I mix the yogurt with my favorite granola, Early Bird‘s Farmhand’s Choice, Hemp seeds, and fresh fruit (usually bananas or raspberries):

Nounos creamery

It’s filling and keeps me satiated until lunch time. On the weekdays, I usually have two – one for breakfast and one as an afternoon snack, and on the weekends, I limit myself to one (just for breakfast!) You can definitely get Early Bird granola at Whole Foods (we’ve also purchased it at Eataly before) and if you’re not in New York, you can order it online! We’ve tried all of the flavors and can vouch for all of them – now we just pick up whatever’s available at Whole Foods because they sell out so quickly!

I love the packaging, but now I have a ton of glass jars all over the apartment! I was thinking I could plant some seeds but that might get messy – a coworker suggested I make candles and give them out so I might look into it. I’m pretty sure I’m up to 20 glass jars already – I wish they had a recycling program (similar to Chobani’s) – 5 glass containers for a free yogurt!!

Reader Comments

Grace this is an awesome post!!! I’m a bit late to the party, but do you mind if I share some of these images on Nouno’s instagram!? Please feel free to shoot me an email at

Written By Rachel on April 4th, 2016 @ 1:53 pm

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