The Brooklyn Kitchen

By grace.g.yang ยท September 9, 2014
Under: American,Brooklyn,My Life,Things to do in NYC

I have been visiting Brooklyn more and more and really enjoy each trip there (once I get there…the commute is still less than desirable). On one recent visit, I stopped by The Brooklyn Kitchen, a general store with groceries, tools, and classes:

The Brooklyn Kitchen

They have a NYC-decorated cow outside that lured me in:

The Brooklyn Kitchen

The store has another store (or counter) inside – the meat hook – where people were picking up fresh cuts of meat or freshly made sausages:

The Brooklyn Kitchen

I didn’t want to buy any meat because it seemed like you had to pre-order anything good (I’m not sure about that, I would call beforehand if you’re interested in buying meat) and instead, walked over to the Le Creuset and knife area to admire the kitchen goods:

The Brooklyn Kitchen

They had a really good selection of both pots and knives and also had a lot of interesting items for the kitchen. I wanted to buy something and ended up buying this amazing yogurt by The White Mustache:


These are pretty pricey (the cheapest I’ve found is at Whole Foods and they’re $5 there), but it’s worth every penny. The sour cherry is my favorite!


The yogurt is sweeter than Fage, has a similar thickness, and the sour cherry flavor is tart but not too tart. It’s so delicious and a good substitute for actual dessert.

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