By grace.g.yang · June 25, 2007
Under: My Life,Things to do in NYC

On Friday night, my mom flew in from Italy and she’s staying with me until Wednesday. Chris thought it would be a good idea to bring her to a musical, so on Saturday morning, we bought tickets for Avenue Q, a musical we’ve been interested in checking out. For those of you interested in what the musical is about, I’ll give you a little synopsis from their website: AVENUE Q is the story of Princeton, a bright-eyed college grad who comes to New York City with big dreams and a tiny bank account. He soon discovers that the only neighborhood in his price range is Avenue Q; still, the neighbors seem nice. There’s Brian the out-of-work comedian and his therapist fianceé Christmas Eve; Nicky the good-hearted slacker and his roommate Rod — a Republican investment banker who seems to have some sort of secret; an Internet addict called Trekkie Monster; and a very cute kindergarten teaching assistant named Kate. And would you believe the building’s superintendent is Gary Coleman?!? (Yes, that Gary Coleman.) Together, Princeton and his newfound friends struggle to find jobs, dates, and their ever-elusive purpose in life. Here’s a picture of their set:

The musical was hilarious (especially since it’s performed with puppets!) and we all enjoyed the show. There were a bunch of little kids at the show as well, which was kind of odd since there’s so much adult content (in my opinion, children probably shouldn’t be watching…puppet sex). AVENUE Q won best musical in 2004 and if you’re in NYC, you should definitely try to snag tickets (if you get in the TKTS line, you might get really good seats for $70-$90!) A picture of me and Chris after the show:

ave q chris grace (Small)

There are also a lot of other musicals that sell great seats at the TKTS booth – it changes daily and when Chris and I went, they were selling tickets to Curtains, Mamma Mia!, AVENUE Q, The Color Purple, Tarzan, and a lot of other popular shows. If you have the time when you’re visiting, you should give it a try!

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