There are a lot of options for pizza on and around Bleecker Street. Keste, Joe’s, John’s, and Bleecker Street Pizza are the first ones that come to mind. Bleecker Street Pizza has been on The Food Network a bunch of times for their New York style pizza. Personally, I don’t like their NY-style pizza because I think there’s no flavor to their slices, BUT, I am a HUGE fan of their Sicilian/nonna slices. Dorren and I went there for lunch last week:

The pre-made pizzas:

The Sicilian slices are square and topped with lots of crushed tomatoes, basil, and mozzarella cheese. The pizza has just the right amount of saltiness from the cheese but feels kind of healthy because of the chunky bits of tomato. When you order at the counter, they’ll take a slice, heat it up in their oven, and serve it to you right away:

You can also go for their regular slices…Dorren opted for a slice of pepperoni:

The place has minimal seating, but they deliver and they’re open really late. If you end up trying it, go for their Sicilian!

On Saturday, I had a craving for a tuna sandwich. Not just any tuna sandwich, but Lamazou’s Z’Tuna sandwich. It was almost 7pm (they close at 8pm) but luckily, I was in the neighborhood. I quickly ran over:

The shop sells a lot more than sandwiches – they have an assortment of gift baskets hanging from the ceiling because they make and ship all kinds of gift baskets:

You can create your own gift basket with some of the specialties they sell (lots of European snacks):

They also have pre-made salads – my friend Azim spoke very highly of the egg salad with Roquefort cheese:

BUT! I was there for a very specific reason…I wanted a Z’Tuna sandwich on whole wheat bread. The Z’Tuna is very salty (blame it on the cornichons, capers, AND olive paste) but it is SO delicious. Lamazou also spreads a spicy harissa to the bread that really makes this tuna salad sandwich out of this world. Each sandwich is carefully made to order – here’s the guy that made mine:

And my Z’Tuna:

The tuna salad is very basic (tuna and mayo) but the cornichons, capers, and olive paste really make it delicious. Their other sandwiches are also very good (especially the Italico) and the shop has some great candies from Europe that are usually only found at Dylan’s or Economy Candy. One downside: the bread is always a little on the chewier side and they don’t have a toaster. But, since you’re most likely taking the sandwich to go, you can bring it home to toast it! I couldn’t wait and ate the entire sandwich as I was waiting for the bus to arrive.

Last Saturday, I woke up super early to dress up like Santa Claus and run through New York. Here are some pictures from the day (in case you can’t tell, that Saturday was absolutely FREEZING and my Santa outfit was underneath my jacket the entire day). I thought we would spend the majority of our time inside bars and the only time we’d be outside was to get from bar A to bar B, but people had more fun playing in parks and just loitering the streets!
The girl next to me claimed to have met us the night before so we decided to take a picture with her.

Amanda, Lou, and Elliot inside Brooklyn Bowl, where there was an impromptu Santa rave:

Ballerina Santa playing Twister in McClarren Park:

Another Twister shot:

Chicken Santa getting in on the action:

Lightening fast reindeer Santa showing his patriotism:

A bunch of Santas pulled Lou into this formation while we were walking from one meeting location to another. Check out the green Santa with no face (from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia…or something):

Me and Lou at another stop:

The day was very fun and chaotic; all of the Santas met up in outer boroughs and Hoboken instead of having one central meeting location in Manhattan (we eventually met up with the other Santas in Washington Square Park). It’s quite a scene to see so many people dressed up like Santa on a random Saturday morning, but it was definitely worth it! There are other Santacons all over the US (and overseas!) – you can find out more about Santacon dates here.
· December 18, 2009
Hi readers! I need your help! I found a cool coat at Bloomingdales in Soho but I can’t decide which color I should buy (my mom thinks I should buy both of them, but I think that is a bad idea). I can choose between a chocolate coat (with chocolate fox fur trim):

Or black (with black and white tipped fox fur trim):

Which one should I buy?!!

While we were waiting in line for the Iron Chef America taping, Lou and I got hungry and decided to get some gelato at L’arte del Gelato. They set up shop in a little open area shop by the 10th Avenue entrance of Chelsea Market and we were just staring at it while we waited in line for an hour to get upstairs to the kitchen stadium. L’arte del Gelato’s flavors:

They are SUPER SUPER SUPER strict about their sampling policy – TWO samples per person and you either buy something or move along. Lou and I were taking turns with our samples and discussing which ones we should try because we only had four chances. After our second sample, the lady behind the counter incorrectly informed us that we only had ONE sample left…as if she was really busy and needed to help other people in line (we were literally the only people in the area). After we told her we still had two samples left, she got mad and told us that we were wrong, but we showed her our spoons and she finally relented. Does a tiny spoonful of gelato really matter THAT MUCH?! We ended up going with Mochaccino and panna cotta:

Both gelatos flavors were good, but the gelato melted so quickly it was like we were drinking cold soup, not eating spoonfuls of rich and creamy gelato. It was a quick treat since we were waiting in line for the Iron Chef taping, but I wouldn’t go out of my way to get gelato from L’arte del Gelato in the future.