We flew from JFK to Narita and had three meals on our 14 hour flight. Everytime I come to Taiwan (or anywhere in Asia) I swear it’s going to be my last time because I seriously cannot stand flying for that long. Here are the three meals I had on my flight.
The first meal was about 3 hours into the flight. We were delayed for about two hours in New York because the plane was stuck somewhere else and also needed to be cleaned, so by the time the food came, I was starving. We had the choice between chicken curry and barbeque beef, so I went with the chicken:

The chicken was really sweet (I don’t think there was actually any curry) and came with a side of carrots, a salad, imitation crab and cucumber sushi, and a brownie. The first meal was kind of a disappointment, but not terrible.
Second meal was definitely the worst – turkey ham and cheese with an oreo cookie. For some reason, the bread was REALLY soggy AND the oreo was soggy, too!! How can the oreo be soggy if it’s sealed?! I was quite disappointed:

Last meal was more chicken (choice between chicken or pizza), fruit, and milano cookies. The guy I sat next to also gave me his fruit:

We landed in Narita and went through security again (not sure why) and boarded our plane for a short flight (3 hours). The meal from Narita to Taipei was the best, but I didn’t take a picture of it because the stewardess woke me up to give me my plate and I didn’t want to get up to get my camera. The meal was rice that was actually cooked, beef with noodles, a small salad, and apple jelly. When we arrived in Taipei, I asked my mom to take a picture of me:

As soon as we landed, we found our driver and he drove us to our hotel. He was surprised that we weren’t born in Taiwan because he said our Chinese was really good (something I found very funny considering my Chinese is pretty terrible). Night market post is coming up!
· May 12, 2010
My Life
Tomorrow, I’m taking a little trip! I’m all packed and ready to go (seven pairs of shoes, 10 dresses, LOTS of sunscreen, and two pairs of sunglasses). While I’m gone, I will be eating LOTS of this (it’s red bean, fresh cream and sponge cake, layered and covered with mochi):

AND I’m going to see my awesome dad:

I’m looking forward to:
1. Gaining 10 pounds because I will be eating non-stop (although not that different than when I’m here)
2. Seeing my dad, my cousins, my aunts and uncles
3. Going to every shopping mall to eat in their food court
4. Seeing the world expo
I’m NOT looking forward to:
1. Sitting on a plane for 14 hours
2. Working off the 10 pounds I gain
3. Navigating through the world expo crowds
I’ll try to keep posting everyday while I’m gone, but we’ll see how things go!
On Friday, I went to Momofuku Noodle Bar for their fried chicken dinner…AGAIN. I really think the Southern Style chicken is something to write home about. Me and my friends at dinner:

I’ve done the chicken dinner four times now…and I’ve been so satisfied every single visit. Initially, I wasn’t a fan of the Korean style, but I came home on Saturday and ate it cold and it was….amazing.

On Friday afternoon, I stopped by Popbar, the new Italian sorbetto and gelato popsicle store that took over Beard Papa in Geenwich Village. Popbar is a chain from Italy that makes gelato and sorbetto in house (the guy behind the counter was very enthusiastic about showing me the popsicles that they were making in the back).

Popbar’s hours are from 11AM – 11PM, so obviously I would get there exactly at 11AM to get some popsicles. They were still setting up, so I took a walk around the block and then went back. Around 11:30, they had set up about half of the display case:

Since it was 11:30 and I was getting antsy, they let me come in and order (I also happened to know exactly what I wanted to get). I ordered the pistachio gelato dipped in pistachios and covered with dark chocolate. The gelato popsicle was really hard because it just came out of the freezer so the pistachio wasn’t sticking very well, but the dark chocolate went on smoothly:

My popsicle:

Lou ordered a strawberry sorbetto popsicle dipped in dark chocolate and we went to the cash register to pay. We were kind of shocked with the prices; mine started at $4.99 and then ended up being around $5.75 and Lou’s was $4.49!! Isn’t that kind of RIDICULOUS for a popsicle?! The popsicle was really beautiful, but taste wise, the pistachio popsicle was practically flavorless. If you plan on going for gelato, I recommend going next door to Grom, where the prices are around the same but the flavor is a lot more pronounced. The strawberry popsicle was a lot better than the pistachio, but I could also get the same thing at the grocery store (Edy’s Whole Fruit popsicles!)
· May 9, 2010
My Life
If I still lived at home, I’d be outside planting flowers with my mom right now (our mother’s day tradition that we’ve been doing since we were kids) Can’t wait to see our amazing mother in a couple of days…here are some of my favorite pictures of me and David with our mom.
Sometimes when my mom finds something pretty, she’ll buy two sets – one for her, and one for me!:

In front of our Christmas tree:

At the Iron Chef America taping:

Brunch at Wallse:

Lunch at Jean-Georges:

In Paris:

In front of the Louvre:

Hope you are having a wonderful day and we can’t wait to see you soon!