FRO-YOLYMPICS DAY 9: Crazy Bananas

By grace.g.yang ยท February 20, 2008
Under: Desserts,FRO-YOLYMPICS,K-town

Crazy Bananas, our last stop on the frozen yogurt tour, is located in Korea town (between 5th and Madison). On our way to the mom and pop shop, Gloria announced that she could no longer participate in the yogurt tour; after braving the harsh winter winds for the entire day, the tour found out that she was also lactose intolerant. She was such a trooper throughout the entire day and we were really lucky to have her join the tour! Crazy Bananas’ store front:

One thing I’d like to mention about Crazy Bananas – if you go to the fro-yo shop, be sure to check out their “lucky” phallic symbols enclosed in a little shrine by the window. I think there might be a bobble head penis as well!!

Crazy Bananas’ Results:

1. Size of hole test:

The hole is somewhat noticeable, but it’s not a completely devastating because the hole is on top of a solid frozen yogurt patch.

2. Tanginess vs. creaminess: On a scale from 1 to 5 (one being tangy and five being creamy), Crazy Bananas scored a 3.5, leaning more towards creamy.

3. Topping Variety:

Crazy Bananas fruit toppings and dry cereal toppings like the other yogurt shops we visited. They also have raspberry and blackberry purees; Oko had a variation of the puree (although it might have been syrup there). I think syrups/purees are more popular in Asia – frozen yogurt shops in the US haven’t picked up on the trend (I’ve seen a person ordering Red Mango in Korea and there are lots of syrups you can choose from). We ordered raspberry puree on top of our frozen yogurt, which was a tangy topping (raspberries and water blended together without sugar can be a little tangy/tart).

4. Fruit quality: On a scale of one to five (one being over/under ripe and five being perfectly ripe), Crazy Bananas scored a PERFECT 5!!

5. Calories per ounce: Crazy Bananas had 23g calories/ounce.

6. Price per ounce: Crazy Bananas clocked in at 72 cents/ounce.

7. Atmosphere/quality of service:

8. Iciness vs. Smoothness: On a scale of one to five (one being icy and five being smooth), we rated Crazy Bananas a 2.5; slightly more icy than smooth.

9. Number of flavors: Crazy Bananas carries plain, blueberry, and cranberry, but when I sampled cranberry, I thought it tasted exactly like plain.

10. Resilience to heat:

The yogurt was VERY resilient to heat and we saw very little melting.

11. Topping Quantity/Presentation:

The frozen yogurt was beautifully topped with a nice drizzle of raspberry puree (which added a really pretty color to the yogurt!). Also, look at how many blackberries the owner gave us – TEN BLACKBERRIES. Red Mango, please take note!

Final results:

We ended our tour on a semi-high note; Chris, David, and I all liked Crazy Banana’s somewhat icy yogurt (not far behind was Bethany, who rated it a 3.75). Crazy Banana’s final score was 3.63/5.0. Later this week, we’ll do a complete wrap up of the frozen yogurt tour and announce the winner (if you’re too anxious, you can go through all of the posts and check their final scores to find the winner yourself). Hope you’ve enjoyed the tour!

Here are all of the entries in order (in case you wanted to jump around):

Day 1: Oko
Day 2: Pinkberry
Day 3:Red Mango
Day 4: Yolato
Day 5: 40 Carrots
Day 6: Very Berry
Day 7: Flurt
Day 8: Berry Wild Smooth and Kindy Icy
Day 9: Crazy Bananas

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