Gracenotes NYC Pirate’s Booty Contest!
Hi friends! May is my favorite month because I get to celebrate my birthday and get lots and lots of awesome gifts. This year, I’m giving my readers a chance to get a little gift or two – in the next week and a half, I’ll be giving away various things (some are food related, some are beauty related!).
Today’s contest is sponsored by Pirate’s Booty – they sent over a huge treasure chest of goodies pictured below:
The booty box has six different types of Pirate’s Booty: Sea salt and vinegar, bermuda onion, caramel, aged white cheddar, barbeque, and veggie. There are also Booty Head stickers, Pirate’s booty stickers, AND Pirate’s Booty tattoos! The two new flavors are Bermuda Onion and Sea Salt and Vinegar. I’m a bigger fan of the sea salt and vinegar than the bermuda onion, but I grew up eating the veggie flavored booty and now I pig out on the white cheddar and the caramel. To enter the contest, just answer the following question in the Comments section of this post:
What’s your favorite Pirate Booty flavor?
The contest ends on Friday, May 22nd at 5pm EST and I’ll announce the winner shortly after
Reader Comments
The only thing I love more than Caramel Pirate’s Booty is your scrumptious booty, Grace.
Give me some of that sweet, lip-smacking good booty! (Wordplay.)
I like cheddar flavored booty.
I like all flavors of booty…especially when it’s from a yang
Sea salt and vinegar, surrender that booty – yarr!
They should have left sea salt and vinegar to the folks over in cape cod. Aged cheddar FTW! You know what they say, there’s nothing like aged booty. I couldn’t resist, had to join the obvious joke club (felt left out).
White Cheddar all the way!!! =)
I grew my booty on the Aged White Cheddar and their other snack called Tings. They are so crazy awesome.
My favorite now is their Sea Salt and Vinegar and excuse my ghetto-fabulosity: I keep the popcorn buckets from the movie theaters, pour in some booty, and voila! baked booty in a bucket. Hollaaa.
I can’t wait to bury my face in your smelly onion booty.
Remember that time I scarfed down the entire bag of Aged cheddar at your place? Yeah, that’s my favorite flavor.
If I had a vote, it would go to Latifah just for that awesome comment. But I do not. So I’ll just stick to answering your question, which would be Cheddah ch-cheeeeeese.
Sea salt and vinegar! Hands down!
i’ve only ever tried aged white cheddar as far as pirates booty goes, but i’ve had tings which i thing are made by the same manufacturer…