Del Posto

My friends Angie and Brooke came to visit me over the weekend. Since they stayed with me, they wanted to treat me out to a nice meal and wanted it to be blog-worthy; I told them that I really wanted to try Del Posto because it was on the Michelin list for NYC and that […]


Last year, for Valentine’s Day, I took Chris out for dinner at Zenkichi in Brooklyn. I read about the restaurant and thought it would be a fun experience (the layout is booth after private booth with little shades that you draw while you’re eating. You ring a buzzer to let your server know that you’re […]


Did you really think someone took me to Masa in the Time Warner Center so early in the year?! I wish 🙂 While I was in Boston, I found the Boston Masa with a great brunch deal – 2 courses and a coffee/tea for $7.95. Since Masa was super cheap and pretty close to our […]

Sushi Yasuda

Last week, my friend, Remy, flew in from Europe to wine and dine his friends from the city. Well, he was here on vacation, but he’s very interested in fine dining and made reservations at many of New York’s best restaurants and invited his friends along for the ride. Luckily, Remy asked me for some […]


Over the weekend, my dad, brother, and I went to Kyotofu to try out some of their newly introduced savory items. You might remember Kyotofu from our Cupcake Cagematch back in August. While they weren’t a crowd favorite, they really impressed me with their delicious chocolate cupcake. Michael Brel, one of the co-owners, invited me […]