Sushi of Gari

Because I neglected this blog last week with my lack of Michelin posts (or any posts, for that matter), I’m going to post another Michelin entry this week. I’ll have to do a couple more weeks of double posts because there aren’t enough Mondays to post about all of the Michelin restaurants anymore! I went […]


I’m a little behind on my Michelin posts because there are less than two months to go before the end of 2010 and I still have quite a few restaurants on my list! I visted to Corton with a date a couple weeks ago and had a great meal. I was a bit nervous about […]

Michelin New York 2011 Guide

Yesterday, the guide for 2011’s Michelin starred restaurants came out (to see the full list, visit here). The three stars remained the same (Daniel, Jean Georges, Le Bernardin, per se, and Masa), but the two-starred and one-starred restaurants mixed things up a bit. Changes to the two-star category: – Addition of Chef Table at Brooklyn […]

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