
After a successful trip to the Union Square farmer’s market on a Saturday afternoon, my friend Ariel and I went to Stand for a quick burger. Since the restaurant was completely empty, we were able to choose our seat and decided to sit by the window (so my newly purchased basil plant could get some […]

DBGB Kitchen and Bar

Remember how I made this birthday list of all the things I wanted for my birthday? Well, my family took me to Minetta Tavern, my mom’s taking me to Jean-Georges this weekend, and my other friend is taking me to Annisa on Tuesday. I have to say, I have really great friends and family and […]

Minetta Tavern

For my birthday, I didn’t want many things (actually, who am I kidding…I made a big list right here). One of the items on my wishlist was a dinner at Minetta Tavern, the new Keith McNally restaurant that has been talked about for quite some time. I made a reservation for three for a family […]

Landmarc Tribeca

I just finished a meal at Landmarc and I usually let a meal digest for a couple of days in my head before coming up with a post, but this meal/experience offended me so much that I have to stay up and write about it while it’s fresh on my mind. To give you some […]

The Redhead

Laura, a friend I met through Sara, talked up The Redhead as her neighborhood joint for stellar cheeseburgers. Since I’m ALWAYS interested in a place that has good cheeseburgers, I organized a group of people to meet there after work for some food before going out for drinks. I didn’t realize our dinner party was […]

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