Rocky Slims

A relatively new pizza place opened up a few blocks away from my apartment. Rocky Slims has a sit down restaurant and attached in the back is a quick take out option that I visited last week. The owner used to work at Roberta’s (in Brooklyn) so I figured the slices would be pretty good. […]

FIG – Charleston, South Carolina

For my birthday, we had a delicious lunch at Chez Nous and then took a private carriage ride around downtown Charleston: The streets of Charleston have a lot of beautiful architecture and the carriage ride started out with a stop with a ping pong ball game to figure out which route we would take to […]

China: Through the Looking Glass

A few weeks ago, I was lucky enough to go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to see the China: Through the Looking Glass exhibit. My friend’s parents are members of the museum and they do receptions while the museum is closed so members can walk around without huge crowds. China: Through the Looking Glass […]

Mad Mex

When I was a kid, my mom used to take us to restaurants by her office. Since she taught in Oakland, we would go to places that were much cooler than what we were used to. One place that always comes to mind is Mad Mex, a tex-mex restaurant that always had the world’s best […]

Primanti Brothers

Our hotel was down the street from this cute square that had a few restaurants and coffee shops (Bruegger’s, Dunkin Donuts, Jimmy John’s, Starbucks and Primanti Brothers). We walked to the square from our hotel and decided to eat at Primanti Brothers to try their epic sandwiches. Primanti Brothers has been in Pittsburgh for a […]

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