Aerogarden: Week 11

Funny story: last week, I didn’t post an Aerogarden update on Tuesday. I didn’t think anyone would mind, but someone actually twittered and asked about the post! I was REALLY flattered that someone would actually REMEMBER that Tuesday was Aerogarden day! I was thinking about phasing out the Aerogarden updates (especially because I haven’t really […]

Aerogarden: Week 10

Last week, I made a quick and easy naan pizza and even had the opportunity to use some of the basil that has been growing like a weed from the Aerogarden. This week, I haven’t had a chance to really cook at all (especially since it’s so easy to just walk to Whole Foods instead […]

Aerogarden: Week 9

It’s been 2 months since I start my Aerogarden project! I haven’t seen too much progress this week, but luckily, a reader told me to lower my lights because it might be hindering the growth of my smaller plants after last week’s post. I cut off the majority of the basil to lower the lamp: […]

Aerogarden: Week 8

Looking back at week 7’s post, I noticed that the plants all made a lot of progress, even though I still haven’t used any of them. This week’s update: I think the mint grew the most this week: However, I tried a couple of pieces and it doesn’t taste like mint at all, which kind […]

Aerogarden: Week 7

Sorry for the delayed Aerogarden post this week (did you notice that I didn’t post anything about the Aerogarden on Tuesday like usual?) I was in North Carolina for Labor Day and landed on Tuesday morning, so I didn’t get a chance to update, but I also wanted to wait until I found a new […]

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